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According to the blurb...
Art & the Public Sphere voices a critical relationship towards the traditional and conventional debates about the specific field of public art, as well as towards the broader discussions and art practices in the public sector and the public realm. Whilst ‘public art’ has continually suffered from its mixed role as art and also town planning, in the UK, for example, the perceived success of Anthony Gormley’s Angel of the North has since recruited public art for the purposes of ‘place-making’ and the branding of cities. The journal offers an engaged and responsive forum in which to debate the newly emerging series of developments within contemporary thinking, society and international art practice. It is peer-reviewed and edited by Mel Jordan, an artist who works for the collective Freee.
Contents: Volume 1 Issue 1, 2011
- EDITORIAL: Mel Jordan
- From cultural populism to cool capitalism, Jim McGuigan
- Privatizing the public: Three rhetorics of art’s public good in ‘Third Way’ cultural policy, Andy Hewitt
- Dissensus and the politics of collaborative practice, Kim Charnley
- Retro-Spective: ‘Places with a Past’ – New site-specific art in Charleston, Spoleto Festival USA, 1991, Mick Wilson
- Performative tactics and the choreographic reinvention of public space, Martin Patrick
- REVIEWS: Rebecca Coates; Danielle Child; Maeve Connolly; Katie Daley-Yates; Hendrik Folkerts; Georgina Jackson; Mark Hutchinson.