Adaptable Boardwalk (with Three Genetic Drifts) by David Brooks...
with the city of London in the background
Untitled(Osaka) by Eva Berendes
Bold Tendencies was the brainchild of the Hannah Barry Gallery, but has in recent years received public funding and is a non-profit making enterprise, with the aim of 'showcasing new art by international artists'.
Tube by Lilah Fowler
The first Bold Tendencies took place in 2007, and has been growing ever since. 45,000 people attended the 2010 event. The 2011 event includes 15 large-scale new artworks.
The top floor of the car park is occupied by a temporary 'pop-up' restaurant, Frank's Cafe and Campari Bar designed by Practice Architecture (Lettice Drake and Paloma Gormley).
Restaurant designed by Practice Architecture
A new auditorium made of straw has been commissioned for 2011, which will host a series of screenings and events. For the events programme, visit:
Straw auditorium